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Home and Gardens

Published on January 9th, 2013 | by Nicky Barclay


Home Hibernation

As I write this in December, I am so looking forward to Christmas, that I find it hard to imagine the feeling of austerity that always comes over me with the New Year.  But it is always with relish that I put away the excesses of the holiday and my house returns to calm normality.

Talking of austerity, January is a time for curling up and keeping warm, and with heating bills on the increase I am mindful of ways to keep warm without turning up the heating.  The first step is to find any drafts and try to seal them up.  I read recently that the way to find out where chilly drafts are coming from, if you can’t tell immediately, is to use a candle – where the flame flickers is where your draft is coming from – obvious really.

What isn’t so obvious, though, is that drafts don’t always come from gaps, they also come from cold walls or windows where a little thermal sets up.  So at any large windows, even those that are double glazed, have curtains or blinds that are interlined.  They are more expensive to have made, but it is a one off cost and not only are they noticeably warmer, they look so much more luxurious.  It can also be worth putting up a warm interlined curtain at any doors that let in the cold.

Floorboards are another culprit.  Whilst stripped floors are lovely, unless you have new flooring, chances are that there is a chill wind whistling up through the gaps between the boards.  These gaps can usually be sealed, and rugs will help keep the cold away as well as looking decorative and feeling warmer underfoot.

Loft insulation is one of those things that I have found easy to ignore, because my attic is full of junk (yes, I know!) that would have to be moved or sorted out, and it is out of sight and therefore, thankfully, mind.  But it is supposed to be very effective if it is thick enough, so I am going to have to tackle my attic clutter and bring my insulation up to standard!

I like to have a couple of throws and rugs on the sofa, because when sitting for any length of time, you get quite cold, unless there is a fire or stove to warm your toes.  Throws and rugs are both practical and decorative, and can be used to add splashes of colour or texture to a scheme.  There is a wonderful array of leisurewear to curl up in now – cosy and comfortable trousers tops and socks made from soft, warm cashmeres, brushed cottons and wools.  That said, the easiest way to warm up if I am cold is to give the cushions on the sofa a good plumping up – it never fails!

My last – and best – bit of hibernation luxury is my electric blanket – I just couldn’t be without it.  The pleasure of getting into a warm bed is second to none and it only needs to be on for fifteen minutes – a real bargain!

If you would like some help with your home or office including interlined curtains and blinds

 – Nicky Barclay runs Shoestring Style in and around Tunbridge Wells and can be contacted on 07771 522235  www.shoestringstyle.co.uk

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