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Home and Gardens

Published on February 3rd, 2014 | by The Town Crier


Free help available from Kent Fire and Rescue Service

Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) is appealing to people to make sure their homes, and those of loved-ones and people they care for or come into contact with, are safeguarded from fire.

Just three breaths of fire smoke can be life-threatening and sadly, it is often older residents, or those with mobility problems, physical or mental health issues or impaired sight or hearing, who are injured by fire.

KFRS offers free safety advice and a range of free services to ensure vulnerable members of the community are protected from the risk of fire.

Where needed, KFRS community safety team can provide free home safety visits. These take around 30 minutes and include advice on escape routes, night time safety routines and fire hazards in the home and, if needed, the fitting of free smoke alarms.

In addition, KFRS’s vulnerable persons team is able to provide specialist advice to help people stay independent in their own homes for longer and equipment for more at risk residents, including smoke alarms designed for visually and hearing impaired people.

Specialist help might include providing items such as fireproof bedding and fire retardant materials for immobile smokers, and safety gadgets such as cooker switches for dementia sufferers who have become forgetful about turning the cooker off.

Free advice is available to all residents in Kent and Medway. Eligibility for a home safety visit is assessed on an individual basis and takes into consideration age, health, mobility, lifestyle and other risks.

For more information please go to www.3breaths.info, call 0800 923 7000 (free of charge from UK landlines) or email home@kent.fire-uk.org.



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