Published on May 31st, 2020 | by Joan Hamilton-Smith
True or false? You decide……….
Choosing a house – the larger the house, the more places there are to lose things in.
Christmas presents – the amount of time that a child plays with their Christmas present is exactly one-fifth of the time it took for the parents to assemble it.
Children’s parties – any child’s birthday party where the number of guests is more than the age of the child whose party it is, will end in disaster.
Cleanliness – cleanliness is next to impossible.
Computers 1 – a computer does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do.
Computers 2 – if you understand it, it’s obsolete!
Construction – cut it large and kick it into place!
Cooking 1 – once a dish has gone wrong, anything you might add to rescue it will only make it worse.
Cooking 2 – you will always receive the greatest number of compliments for the dish which took the least amount of time to prepare.
Cooking 3 – the more time and energy you put into preparing a meal, the greater the chance that your guests will spend the entire evening discussing other meals they have eaten.
Engines – it pays to turn off your car engine if it will be idle for more than one minute.
Heating by people – ten people will raise the temperature of a medium-sized room by 1 degree per hour.
Juice – do not pour any more juice for your child than the amount you are prepared to wipe up.
Nappies – changing your baby’s nappy will always cause the telephone to ring.
Joan Hamilton-Smith